The William Heptinstall Award

Privacy Statement

Our relationship with those who apply to the Trust for an Award and with those who sponsor, train and teach them is of great importance to us. Most information that we hold will have been obtained directly from you. The information requested and supplied is necessary to enable us to determine those applicants whom we believe most likely to gain significant benefit from receiving an Award. Ultimately the final decisions each year are made after meeting and talking with each of the selected applicants.

It is important for the long term future of the Award that sufficient applicants are attracted each year. The experience of previous Award Winners and the benefits that they have enjoyed in terms of personal and career development demonstrate the essence of the Trust. Given our resources we believe a growing collection of Award Winners’ Reports including images of their experiences, available for potential applicants and their sponsors to study, represents our best way to attract future applicants.

The Trust has no employees and all its activities are carried out by volunteer Trustee Directors and Officers without remuneration. Our website is the only data storage facility owned or managed by the Trust. However each Trustee Director or Officer may use his or her business or home personal computer or smart-phone to send and receive e-mails relating to the Trust’s activities. Such e-mails may contain or have attachments containing personal data supplied as described above. This material may reside on each computer and/or may be printed and filed to aid its study and review.

The Trust holds bank accounts with the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF), and manages investments in charitable common investment funds and other suitable investments, so as to provide an annual income to meet the cost of the Awards and the expenses of running the Trust. Over the long term the investment growth of these funds is essential to maintain the real value of the Trust’s assets. It is important that the Trust manages its financial affairs in a professional manner, keeping accurate records capable of audit.

Personal data held and processed by the Trust is collected at different stages as follows:

• Registration of Interest – when you use our website to register your interest in being sent an Application Form, once available, we retain your name, IP address and the contact information that you provide, until no later than 30th June of the year following the grant of the Award for which you have expressed interest. This information is necessary for us to send you the requested copy of the Application Form and, if applicable, a further copy in the following year.

• Download of Application Form – when an Application Form is downloaded the IP address is noted. This is processed solely for statistical reasons and no attempt is made to identify a person. It does allow us to ignore downloads from non-UK sites and well-known rogue sites.

• The return of a completed Application Form – the information that you and your employer, or tutor provide is necessary for us to select the most appropriate applicants to interview for the next Award. The Application Forms are scanned into encrypted and password protected PDFs, then loaded into a secure area of our website and shared with each of the Trustee Directors and Officers, who may hold hardcopy or scanned copies until the Applicant has reached the age of 30 and is no longer eligible for the Award. After that time we simply record the name of the applicants we have interviewed and whose records we have deleted. 

• Expense reimbursements & Stage Payment records – the name of those receiving reimbursements or stage payments are retained within cheque books, bank statements and/or accounting records for at least six years so as to maintain professional standards of governance. The bank account details held within our accounts with the CAF Bank, for Stage Payments to Award Winners, will be deleted within 3 months of the confirmation of receipt of the final stage payment.

• Submission of Winners’ Reports – the preparation and submission of stage reports to a specified standard, format and timeframe is a contractual condition of accepting an Award. The Trust retains the contractual right to edit the reports and to store, publish in any format and display on its website for so long as it deems appropriate without any further payment. Thereafter the Trust may provide website links to public information concerning the Winner’s career.

The Trust is the Data Controller for its website and the Trustee Directors and Officers its agents for their own personal computers, servers and offices or homes. Trustee Directors and Officers understand that the processing and storage of personal data, wheresoever kept, is subject to Data Protection Legislation. Contact with the Data Controller should be made through the Trustee Secretary whose contact details are available on the About The Trust page.

At the end of the stated period for which personal data has been retained such data will be 'deleted'. Deletion is defined as follows: Paper records will be shredded; primary digital records will be deleted; while any personal data in system backup facilities will be either deleted or put 'beyond use' in accordance with the legislation.

The names of Award Winners and those Applicants selected for interview may be published on the Trust’s website and social media pages, and may be shared with The Worshipful Company of Cooks and with other not-for-profit organisations with similar objectives. However any other personal data will not be disclosed without your consent, other than if required by law. The Trust does not sell any of its data to third party organisations.

Your personal information is not stored, nor will be transferred, outside the UK or the European Union/European Economic Area. You have a right to request copies of the data that the Trust holds about you, and to request us to stop storing or processing your personal data in a way you believe is not necessary for the purpose for which you provided it. You have a right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) if you believe your rights have been breached.

This policy may be amended from time to time after which this section of the Trust website will be updated. Such amendments will not affect the lawfulness of any storage or processing that took place, or consents that were given, beforehand.

16 October 2022

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Dan Cornish 2022 with Tristin Farmer at Restaurant Zen

Andy Ball 2007 Quote

Martin Evans 2009 Kitchens at Gramercy Tavern